I started my podcast almost two years ago and have learned so much! Publishing weekly episodes for two years (almost 100 episodes to date) takes a LOT of hard work, but I am a firm believer that anyone can start a podcast! Below, I’ve broken down what I think the nonnegotiable are for starting a podcast.
Number one: an idea
If you want to start a podcast, this is the most important thing to focus on. I wanted to start a podcast for several years before I actually ended up starting So Can I. I spent a lot of time focusing on the overall theme and idea for the show. When the idea for So Can I came to me, I knew it was the right idea and the right option to move forward with.
If you think you have an idea for a podcast, here are some good questions to ask yourself:
- Am I truly passionate about this topic? Picture this — you just worked all day and are coming home to work for a few hours on editing a podcast episode. It is so easy to get burnt out if you are not passionate about the topic you are podcasting about.
- Am I knowledgable about this topic? I believe some level of basic or intermediate knowledge is necessary! For example, my podcast is about female founders and entrepreneurship. I have a masters degree in business, so I am able to put my two cents in as I am interviewing my guests!
- Do people want to hear about this topic? This is probably the hardest question to answer because it takes a little self-reflection and a lot of honesty. Just because you want to hear about a topic, doesn’t mean others will. Take time to do some research and poll the people around you.
Number two: a plan
Will you be releasing weekly episodes? Biweekly? Monthly? Will you be interviewing guests? Solo Episodes? Will you have a co-host? These are all things you need to know before you begin. Obviously, you can always pivot and change if you need to once you get going, but it is so important to have a clear plan going into starting a podcast.
I suggest going through an entire mock episode so that you can understand your process when it comes to preparation, recording, editing, and publishing. My podcast is an interview style podcast and I did several fake interviews before I started. This allowed me to understand how everything works and get comfortable behind the mic!
Number three: equipment
You do not have to have anything fancy to start a podcast. In fact, I do not encourage anyone to go out and get any sort of high-end podcasting equipment until you are absolutely sure that you enjoy podcasting. I have been at this for two years, and I still use the same microphone I purchased when I started!
Starting a podcast does not require a huge investment, but there are some things that you do need:
- Microphone: I highly suggest in investing in a microphone if you want to start a podcast. It makes the audio quality so much better. I love my Blue Yeti Microphone and definitely recommend it to beginners. It is easy to work, low cost, and yields high quality audio.
- Recording Platform: You have to have somewhere to record your podcast. I use Zencastr and I love all of the capabilities, quality of audio, and ease of use!
- Editing Platform: If you are going to be editing your own podcast, you have to find an editing platform. I use Alitu and I highly recommend it if you do not know how to edit audio (like me!). It is very easy to use.
- Hosting Platform: This is the platform that sends your podcast to Apple, Spotify, etc. I use Buzzsprout because it connects with Alitu and it is easy to use!
Number four: marketing
If you build it, they will NOT come. This was such a hard pill for me to swallow when I started my show. I thought that if I had this amazing show with fabulous guests, people would listen. I was dead wrong. You have to have a marketing plan. That is the one thing that I would change about the way I started my show. I would have a true marketing plan.
My marketing plan was pretty simple: post about my episode and hope that my guest shares it. This does work, but it is very slow growth. Here are some strategies that I have implemented when it comes to marketing for my podcast:
- Share older episodes: I am always tagging older guests and sharing about their episodes. This is a way to get fresh eyes on older episodes of the podcast!
- Be a guest on other podcasts: I have been a guest on several other podcasts and this is a great way to get in front of an audience that already listens to podcasts!
- Develop meaningful connections with your guests (if you have an interview style podcast): I have become friends with several of my past guests and it makes me so happy when we comment on each others instagram posts and DM each other. It is so nice to be building something alongside other supportive people!
- Play the long game: It can be so hard to grow a podcast instagram account these days. Post relevant content, find your niche when it comes to posting, and engage with other accounts.
- Have an email list: This is something that I am a huge advocate for! Capture emails and send an update each month with that month’s episodes. Not only will this boost downloads, but you own this list. You don’t own social media.
Number five: have a beginner’s attitude
This is probably the most important tip I could give anyone who wants to start a podcast! There are going to be so many things that pop up, fires to put out, and situations that don’t go your way. Approach everything with a beginner’s attitude. It is OK if you don’t know what to do or cannot figure something out.
I remember I felt like I completely botched one of my first interviews. I almost quit. But then I realized that you cannot become an expert in something if you are not first a beginner. My 100th episode (which is happening in a few weeks) would not exist if the other episodes before it did not exist.
What to do after you start a podcast:
I’ll leave you with this — Rome was not built in a day. You have to stay consistent.
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